台灣境內由中華郵政、宅急便物流公司運送 中華郵政 NT$ 80 宅急便 NT$ 120 |
中國、香港、澳門、馬來西亞地區 皆由中華郵政運送 China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia areas are all delivered by Chunghwa Post. Chunghwa Post NT$ 350
アジア - 日本,すべてChunghwa Postで発送されます 아시아 - 한국,모두 중국 우편으로 발송됩니다 Chunghwa Post NT$ 500
More world regions are shipped via Chunghwa Post. Chunghwa Post, approximately $28 in USD Estimated delivery time: Receive your item in approximately 7-25 Days |
台灣境外的包裹將會依照各國/地區被收取進口稅和關稅,額外支付的進口關稅費用將由顧客承擔,如未收或拒收 RELEASE 出貨的顧客,將需要承擔原始運費、產生的任何進口費用以及將包裹退還的費用。在收到貨件後,這些費用將從您的最終退款中扣除。
When placing an order outside Taiwan (R.O.C.), your parcel may be subject to import duties and taxes. These additional charges are the responsibility of the customer. Customers who refuse their RELEASE shipment are responsible for the original shipping charges, any import fees that are incurred, as well as the cost of returning the parcel to us. These charges will be deducted from your final refund once the shipment has been received.
Please also note that we do not offer free returns and exchanges on international orders.